miércoles, 5 de octubre de 2016

Razones por las que quiero a Darling #3

Yo: ¡Callate!
Darling: Wut?
Yo: You're going to make me fall
Darling: Don't cross the line if you don't want to. You choose. As always.
Yo: It's not that I don't want to, it's just I'm too scared.
Darling: I am too.
Darling: We should let the things take it's course.
Yo: I'm trying to. But you, your eyes, your words and your fucking allbeing it's making it harder than it's supposed.
Darling: I like the way you smile after you kiss me.
Yo: It's because I'm truly happy.
Darling: You are so... Mindblowing. You are so you; Your smile, the way you look at me.
Yo: Asshole! You're making me cry!
Darling: Don't. Please.
Yo: They're happy tears. Nobody ever told me such a beautiful things, I guess.
Darling: I am have such a smile on my face.

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Sé dónde vivís y soy perfectamente capaz de quemar tu rancho, asi que deci algo lindo